Monday, 8 September 2014

Why Ayurveda is Best for Hair Problems?

Hair is the indispensable cosmetic addition to our appearance. According to Ayurveda, the hair is procured either as a by-product or brought out as a breakdown product of Asthi (bone tissue). Any disturbance in this tissue metabolism can alter the health of the hair. Improper diet, harsh weather conditions, and stress make your hair dull and lifeless.

Ayurveda advocates the use of hair oils that are derived naturally and are 100%  pure and chemical free. Ayurvedic hair oil rescues damaged and dry hair with the help of ingredients like amla, brahmi, brahngraj and manjishtha. Ayurvedic oil helps to retract the skin cells which have been inflamed from chemical procedures Applying the oil, reduces dandruff, hair loss and minimizes alopecia. Below are some of the causes of Hairfall :
  •  Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of hair loss in men and women. In men, a high concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles cause hair loss. In women, hormonal imbalances during pregnancy and after delivery cause hair fall.
  •  Over exposure to sun strips hair of moisture
  •  Humidity is the main reason for frizzy uncontrolled hair
  • Improper diet
  •  Dandruff and fungal infections
  •  Stress, lack of sleep and anxiety also cause hair fall.
  •  Diseases like lupus and diabetes also cause hair loss.

Hair loss can be prevented or reversed by taking few simple steps. However, in case of extreme alopecia expert guidance is required. Following are few steps to restore and revitalize your hair:

  • Use a natural shampoo (avoid use of chemically processed shampoo) to wash the hair. Rub the scalp after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation and activates the sebaceous glands.
  • Oiling and massaging of the scalp is worthwhile in preventing hair damage. Slow massaging stimulates blood flow to root of the hair for proper nourishment.
  • Intake of green leafy vegetables, fruits, salad and raw vegetables make your hair lustrous and keep common lifestyle diseases at bay.
  • High protein diet like milk, cheese, ghee should not be taken.
  • Avoid pitta-aggravating diet such as fried and spicy foods. Excessive use of tea, pickles and non vegetarian food increases pitta.
  • Avoid hairstyles that pull the hair and consequently damage it.
  • Practice yoga, pranayama to overcome stress and anxiety.
  • Tying hair tightly tugs the hair from follicles and cause traction alopecia. 

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