Ayurveda is the oldest medicine and is in existence since Vedas.
Ayurveda is far more better medicine than today modern medicines. I’m listing 5
interesting facts about Ayurveda which will help you to understand Ayurveda in
better way.
Principles of
Our body is made up of 5 elements space , water, air, fire
and earth and Ayurveda is based on these essential principals. All these five
elements are in different proportions in our body in form of vata,kapha or
pitta any imbalance in any of three doshas makes the person
ill and realignment of these humours can
cure a disease. If a person recognises his dominant dosha then it becomes very
easy to cure the disease.
Three Dosha Identity
of Humans
The vata,kapha and pitta makes a identity of humans.If any
one of the doshas is dominant then it
affects person temperament ,diseases and even his reaction in stress.These 3 Doshas also dictates body type and also its eating habits.
Ayurveda Diagnosis
Ayurveda uses Astavidha rogi pareeksha’ or eight
methods to examine a patient.The eight testing method includes Naadi (Pulse), Mutra (Urine), Mala (stool), Shabda (voice),Jivha(tongue),
Sparsha (skin), Drik (Eyes) and Aakriti (body build).After proper analysis of
body the doctor will understand which humour could be imbalanced and thereby
describe medication.
Ayurveda a complete body Examination
In Ayurveda the
whole body is examined which means your body,its organs,mind and mental makeup.
After examination of all these factors a medicine is prescribed for treatment.
Ayurevda cures root problem
Ayurveda helps in
curing the problem from the root. Ayurveda treatment does not only cure the symptons but also make sure that these
symptons is being permanently cured. Once the problem is identified then there
is a whole procedure which needs to be followed for curing the problem
Ayurveda is lifestyle
Ayur’ meaning life and longetivity and ‘veda’
means knowledge.Ayurveda talks about life and ayurveda way.If you have diabetes
and you have brought your diabetes under control with ayurveda, you will notice
that along with medication you also need to make some other changes in your
lifestyle to control diabetes.
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